about infinity healing

about claire

I’m here to share time-tested, tools and wisdom that have transformed my own life; tools that have helped me become more fully the woman I am meant to be. I experienced an awakening with the birth of my 1st and only child in 2012, at the time I was achieving a certain level of success and fulfillment in my professional life but my personal life was in shambles. I always knew that family and motherhood are central to my being but until I could be a fully present Mother I had to heal a lot that I had tried to hide from myself and the world.

Anyone who has been through the awakening process will tell you it’s not pretty and it certainly wasn’t for me. I entered a period called the dark night of the soul which lasted about 7 years and brought me to my knees time and time again. I look back at this time now with absolute gratitude. My ego was cracking and my true self was appearing, it was a sacred and challenging time. Many teachers came to my path and after several mystical experiences I became devoted to the path of Kriya Yoga

It’s different for all of us, we know deep down what we want but can feel like something is blocking us from asking for it. Think of arriving at the YOU you want to be, the you of your dreams. I offer counselling, group workshops, retreats and classes.

By working with the the inner child and ancient vedic healing modalities we will uncover your personal life purpose and all the unique attributes you already have. This is in fact who you already are. So, this isn’t “self-help,” it’s a clearing away of the cobwebs that are simply getting in the way of you seeing the whole truth of your unique amazingness. You will discover your life purpose and see that you already have the roadmap to actualise it. You’ll realise that there’s nothing “wrong” with you and that whatever your dream beholds; in business, health, love, home, and spiritual life, you can step into it, with grace and abundance.


Love Claire
Infinity Healing

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Infinity Healing