Healing Retreats

The trees over the woods at the retreat location are vast, wild, changeable and expansive. Our minds are like this and meditation is like observing the trees, noticing the weather, the fleeting rain, clouds, the storms, the birds, the planes. Once the clouds pass (which they do) we notice the inner beauty, creative and expansive nature of our own minds.

Meditation is amazing – we literally peel away the layers of illusion to reveal the majesty and beauty, the creativity and insight of the true self. In all our seeking, striving and all our doing, we forget that perfect knowledge and insight are cultivated through being still and are found within. Even yoga is something we ‘do’, yet is also the state we desire to attain. It is through immersive meditation that the meditator becomes the meditation, the dancer become the dance, the subtle form of that which we meditate upon is revealed to us. This knowledge of the inner self quite literally transforms our experience of life.

The Back to Nature Healing Retreat is an immersive retreat in the forrest in one of Shropshire’s most stunning destinations with spectacular tall oaks and beautiful scenery. You’ll delve deep into the higher, quieter and mystical practices of yoga including meditation, pranayama, mindfulness, mantra, philosophy and more to unlock the limitless potential and beauty of the inner self. Includes forest walks; meditations; beautiful, nourishing vegitarian food; time to relax deeply and reconnect with nature.

You’ll be guided in the wisdom traditions of yoga, learning about mantras, mudras, pranayama and chanting. You’ll also reconnect with your inner child and learn how to soothe and protect them. You’ll learn to meditate effectively learning much about your self along the way, with an aim to building your own meaningful and sustainable meditation practice to continue after the retreat. Meditation can then become a steadying calming and uplifting support for your life.

Retreat Highlights
• sunrise & sunset meditations
• inner child healing
• sessions and workshops on: pranayama, meditation methods, dance, drumming
• philosophy sessions on: Yogic Wisdom Teachings Yoga Sutras
• daily hatha yoga
• daily walks: Forest Gazing and time for reflection and creative space
• 1 day of silence with time for reflection
• facilitated circle – share, heal & support
• time for deep rest
• vegitarian food to support your practice, body and mind
• 2 nights camping under the stars. Please bring all required camping equipment.

We will have people to assist with the errection of your tents if required.

ARRIVING 25th September at 5 pm

DEPARTING 27th September at 5 pm

Exchange £250
To book please follow the SIGN UP link below. You will be required to setup an account in the MindBody system before completing payment information.

Upcoming Retreats

Dates to be advised